The Secrets and Lies Collection

Do we keep secrets, or do they keep us?

I am fascinated how people justify keeping a secret.  Can it really ‘keep the peace’?  I question whether a ‘secret’ kept makes another person happy, safe, surprised etc or whether it just excludes.  Keeping a secret can have the appearance of integrity and trustworthiness but there is also an element of ‘exclusivity’.  Do secrets build walls?  When do they cross over into a lie?  I chose to use Pinocchio for this set of paintings because he is the epitome of someone who might tell a lie.

As a young girl, I was ordered to not tell ‘the whole truth’ about the circumstances in which I grew up,  The whole truth equated to the word ‘Traitor’. 

That leads me to the question: is a ‘Traitor’ a liar?

Holding On By a Thread

Oil on Canvas, 122 x 92 cms

Original available to purchase (framed) – £4,500.00

Limited-edition, signed prints £350

“We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring. Will be to arrive where we started. And know the place for the first time…”

TS Eliot

An internal dialogue between a woman and a puppet. She sits unclothed, laid bare and vulnerable, hiding nothing, seeking connection.

Faith, hope, love, isolation, connection to self and others, longing and belonging.

Blind Faith

Oil on Canvas, 122 x 92 cms

Original available to purchase (framed) – £3,750.00

Limited-edition, signed prints £350

“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are”

Anais Nin

Holding on to a perceived reality.

To Thine Own Self Be True

Oil on Canvas, 122 x 92 cms

Original available to purchase (framed) – £4,500.00

Limited-edition, signed prints availabe £350

An allegorical painting about relationships, adult life, love, childhood and a connection to self.


Oil on Board, 153 x 122 cms

Limited-edition, signed prints available £350


An intermission provides the chance to pause and reflect. To see a new way forward or to choose to continue on the same path. In any situation we have a choice.

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. ‘Viktor Frankl’

If the Cap Fits

Oil on canvas, 122 cm x 92 cm

Original available to purchase (framed) – £3,750.00

Limited-edition, signed prints £350


Oil on canvas, 122 cm x 92 cm

Original available to purchase (framed) – £3,750.00

Limited-edition, signed prints £350


Rubicon . \ROO-bih-kahn\ Noun : a bounding or limiting line; especially one that when crossed commits a person irrevocably.

Oil on canvas, 122 cm x 92 cm

Original available to purchase – £3,750.00

Limited Edition print  – £350.00

The Trapeze Artist and the Duck

Oil paint and mixed media on canvas, 122 cm x 122 cm



Oil on canvas,  122 cm x 92 cm

Original available to purchase – £3,750.00

Waiting in The Wings

Oil on canvas, 122 cm x 92 cm

Original available to purchase – £4,500.00